Sunday, 14 July 2019

Which is the Best Eye Hospital for Squint Eye Surgery in India?

What is Squint?
Squint eye or Strabismus is a medical condition of the eye in which eyeballs points in a different direction and the one eye doesn’t work in synchronization with the other eye. While a normal eye is one whose vision is focused on the centre of the pupil and both the eyeballs work in perfect alignment. In this condition, one eye may point towards a single direction whereas the other focuses inwards, outwards, upwards or downwards.
A person with a squint eye, find it difficult to directly focus on a single object with both the eyes. The individual with squints would not be able to see clearly, or have double vision, or can also develop the condition of lazy eye (amblyopia). Squints are normally developed before the age of five, but can also show up at a later age and adults can also develop the condition of squint eye. 

What causes Squint?
The coordination between eyes and brain that creates the visual passage is developed as the child ages. And when the eye muscles are not able to work in a balanced and synchronized manner, the condition of squint eye occurs.
  • Squint eye may develop at premature birth where the child is born before 32 weeks.
  • Some squints are caused due to genetic issues. If a parent was/is affected by a squint eye, the child may also develop the eye defect.
  • If the person already has certain eye problems such as congenital cataract or retinal damage, optic nerve disease, tumors of the eye, is at risk of developing a squint eye.
  • Squint may appear due to the weakening of eye muscles or due to other eyes conditions such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and Astigmatism.
When is Squint Surgery performed?
Squints need to be corrected in children at an early stage of the development of the condition. Treatments to cure include the use of eyeglasses, some eye exercises, use of an eye patch, etc. In some cases, the condition may not be cured using the non-surgical treatments and the patient have to undergo a surgical treatment.
Squint Surgery in India is commonly done to correct the appearance of the eyes, improve double vision, and develop the coordination between the two eyes so that they can work together in synchronicity. Oftentimes, squint surgery is done to improve the abnormal positioning of the head.
At We Care India, the best hospital for Squint surgery in India, we provide first-rate squint eye surgery at an affordable price.  Our experienced and certified ophthalmologists have years of experience in performing squint surgery and offer high-quality treatment and surgery for their patients.  

What is the procedure of Squint Surgery in India?

Squint surgery in India is a common eye surgery that involves tightening of the eye muscles on the outside that causes the eye movement, in order to correct the wrong eye position. The surgical procedure can be simultaneously performed on both the eyes or on one of them depending on the condition of the patient’s eye.  
During the squint eye surgical procedure, conjunctiva; the tissue over the white portion of the eyeballs, is cut open to uncover the muscles that are attached to the front of the eye. These muscles are then weakened or strengthened; the stronger muscles are weakened and the weak muscles are strengthened. This procedure is done for each muscle that needs to be corrected. The surgeon never pulls out the eye from the socket during the process and the muscles are attached to the eyewalls with a suture once the surgery is completed.
Your surgeon may ask you to wear glasses for some time and you may need to get patching therapy after a couple of days of the surgery. We Care India offer the best squint surgery in India and our patients can avail the services at a low-price as compared to other hospitals. We provide quality treatment with the aid of highly-qualified ophthalmologists.

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