Friday, 16 August 2019

What are the expenses for Squint Surgery in India?

Squint – when eyes don’t appear symmetrical
Squint is an abnormal eye condition in which both or one of the eyeballs is pointed into one direction, making them appear asymmetrical. It is a common eye defect in kids and occur at the time of birth or before age five. A person with a squint eye has difficulty focusing on a single object without having both eyes directed into different direction.
Also known as strabismus, squint is not a severe condition and can be treated with normal medication. However, if the desychronization between the eyes persist, it is better to opt for a squint eye surgery. If left untreated, the situation will continue to worsen and can become permanent. Squint is often referred to as crossed eyes, lazy eyes, and wandering eyes.
We Care India has provided comprehensive care and eye treatment to their patients and thrives to maintain their reputation as the best eye treatment providers in India. Our world-class ophthalmologists have more than 30 years of experience in diligently performing all sorts of eye surgery and providing the best solution to the patient according to their specific type of eye impairment.
Squint can be classified into four categories depending on the direction at which defected eye are focused.
Exotropia – Exotropia is a type of squint where the eye turns outwards.
Esotropia – In this type of squint, eye is inwardly directed.
Hypotropia – Hypotropia is when the eye is deviated downwards.
Hypertropia – Hypertropia is a kind of squint in which eye is focused upwards.
The probable cause of misalignment in the eyes is the lack of synchronization between the different eye muscles that controls the functioning and movement of the eye.
It is important to diagnose strabismus at an early stage as there is a possibility of it becoming severe and intractable if ignored for a long period of time.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Squint
Below are some common signs and symptoms indicating that a person strabismus.

  • An obvious sign that a person has squint eye is the noticeable misalignment between the eyes
  • Children or adults experience defective vision in one or both of the eyes.
  • A person with squint often closes one of their eyes when exposed to sunlight.
  • Individual with squint eye turn their head into one direction that they want to look, in order to use both of the eyes together.
  • Person who has double vision or blurred vision is at the risk of developing a squint eye.

Causes of Squint
Children develop squint during the initial months of their birth for no apparent reason. However, adults are also at the risk of developing squint at any point in their life. The most common causes of squint are:

  • If one of your parents has previously been affected with strabismus, there is a possibility that you have inherited this eye defect from them.
  • Squint can be caused as a result of other visual impairments such as cataract, corneal scars, optic nerve disease, refractive errors, retinal disease, etc.
  • Premature babies are at the risk of developing a squint eye.
  • Refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism can give rise to the condition of squint eye.

Surgical treatment for the squint eye
At We Care India, a surgical treatment is provided to the patient with squint eye with the aim of straightening the eye and eliminating the cause of visual impairment. Squint surgery in India is a surgical treatment done to tighten the muscles that are causing the misalignment of the eyes. Before beginning the surgery, general anesthesia is given to the patient.
During this surgery, a small incision is made into the white portion of the eye, and then the ineffectively organized muscles are detached from their original position and are shifted to a different position in order to confirm their coordinated functioning. The magnitude of shift or the amount of shift is based on the diagnoses of the eye, which is done by measuring them for the purpose of finding out the exact amount of shift required.
It is an outpatient-based surgery and you will be released on the same day after the surgical process is completed. After the surgery, you have to undergo patching therapy for a few days and sometimes the patient has to continue the use of glasses to maintain a clear vision and vividly perceive objects.

Estimated cost for squint surgery in India

At We Care India, you get the advantage of receiving top-notch services of well-qualified ophthalmologists and eye surgeons at an effective price. The overall cost for squint surgery in India depends on various factors such as the amount of eye muscles to be shifted, patient’s condition, and the surgeon you choose for treatment.
squint surgery Cost in India ranges between INR 70,740 to 1,40,940 and we do not charge anything out of this price bracket. We promise to deliver the high-quality surgery at a low-price, without compromising on the quality of the treatment. We have effectively executed several eye surgeries and are widely-acknowledged for providing the patients with the best surgical treatment experience.

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